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Into the matrix (What I have seen first hand.)

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. " -Albert Einstein

I have had the strangest experiences that have lead me to all the theories and ground breaking research that supports this idea. It's not just an idea, but I believe a glitch in the matrix, being the system of quantum information in our QUANTUM MULTIVERSE (REALITY).

Ever have that strange feeling something has happened before? That's because it has, and deja vu, that's the resonance effect. The memories of this strange occurence, which you are tied to, being a program replayed on a type of loop. Deja vu, is a repeat, an exact loop, and or edit in the program, the multiple programs which also run parallel. A sensory replay that holds recollection of frames of reality which we have already experienced and probably will again. We remember fragments of a program. It replays and we are bound to that program in the dimension of time. As conscious creatures we feel the resonance, the glitch. I have been outside of time. Does that make me a user? Or was I uploaded on another platform, THE ULTIMATE REALITY PLATFORM CREATED by technological advanced scientists of a civilization we are programmatically descended from.

Fabrikators fabrikate our reality. They are part of the quantum computing. Creating our world (bit by bit). More like quantum particle at a time, all the way up to a scale.

We are customed and attuned to view specifics of reality. Reality is set to waves and frequencies. A wave or a particle? BOTH.

*I'll edit this later*

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